Why we must reclaim the human face of meetings

Do you know how big your ‘self-view’ video is on Zoom when someone else is sharing content? It’s pretty small, right? In fact, on my 27” monitor, when Zoom is fullscreen and someone is sharing content, every person’s video is about 1.5” x 1” (4cm x 2.5cm). Do you know how big the content is?… Continue reading Why we must reclaim the human face of meetings

How to Rock a Pitch

I recall the first time I noticed how much people love over-acting. I’ve always loved theatre. I’ve been fortunate enough to act, direct, design, light, write and watch many theatrical performance. I remember this one time I was watching a theatre production of a Shakespeare play and one of the characters comes in to find… Continue reading How to Rock a Pitch

Stop Pretending, and Start Innovating

I saw a really interesting position listed on the vacancies list called Head of Innovation the other day. I love the idea of innovation and I have sometimes been called ‘innovative’ and it got me thinking, if that were me, what would innovation need to thrive? Innovation doesn’t just happen, I don’t suppose. It needs… Continue reading Stop Pretending, and Start Innovating

Do you dare choose your audience?

I heard a very interesting point yesterday about marketing and the distribution curve thing, which got me thinking about daring to choose a target audience. The point being that in traditional terms, marketers try to target the ‘mass audience’ – i.e. that there is a large group of people who would want or need what… Continue reading Do you dare choose your audience?

A presentation is a creative entity in its own right

OK, OK, so I haven’t kept to my promise to blog every couple of weeks throughout the strategy process. Sorry. I found that the actual doing got in the way of reflecting through this blog. Anyway, having completed a lot of the strategy work, I needed to present it to lots of different people, so… Continue reading A presentation is a creative entity in its own right

A year to change the world

I return to blogging inspired and enthused…I’m going to try to blog every two weeks about my new position: Writing a communications and engagement strategy for The Co-operative Membership by December 2013. Clearly, I’m not going to talk about the details on here, but processes, ideas, thoughts, how it’s going and the like and share… Continue reading A year to change the world